A new vision for Hull: 10-year ‘Community Plan’ unveiled

WORKING TOGETHER: Representatives from the public and private sectors launching Hull’s new ‘Community Plan’. Pictures by Tom Arran

By Rick Lyon

A ‘Community Plan’ for Hull to shape the city for the next decade has been officially unveiled.

Leading representatives from the public and private sectors attended the Guildhall to mark the launch of the plan, which was approved with cross-party support at a full meeting of Hull City Council earlier this month.

The council worked with a raft of local organisations earlier this year to formulate the plan. This included discussions to understand what matters most to people in the city.

Having worked through the responses, a set of six ambitions and three commitments were developed. These now form the basis of the Community Plan and will provide a focus for the council and other organisations as they aim to deliver a new vision for Hull over the next ten years.

The six ambitions are:

  • Safe and welcoming neighbourhoods

  • A healthier and fairer Hull

  • Reaching our potential

  • Economic growth that works for all

  • Responding to the climate and nature emergency

  • Our culture, our heritage, our city.

 The three commitments are:

  • Engagement of all residents and communities

  • Strong, united leadership committed to improving outcomes

  • A focus on inclusion.

Councillor Mike Ross, leader of Hull City Council, said: “From the start, our aim was to listen to residents to make sure their views and priorities were at the heart of the city’s new Community Plan.

“This plan sets out a vision to make our city a greener, cleaner, safer and fairer place, putting Hull on the right course for years to come.

“I would like to thank all those who have been involved in its development, from local residents and voluntary groups to our partners across the city. It would not have been possible without them.

“This plan is rooted deeply within the city including public, private, business and the voluntary sectors. By working together, we are making changes to move the city forward and get the basics right. 

“I know there is a commitment amongst a whole host of organisations in Hull to be part of the process of making this plan a reality in action. We are already seeing that change taking place and with this plan we will move Hull forward in the right direction in the years to come.”


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Coming soon: The Hull Story newspaper!