Police want to find this man after ‘drink spiking’ in Anlaby Road bar

APPEAL: Officers want to speak to the man in these images

By Rick Lyon

Humberside Police want to speak to the man in these CCTV images after reports of a potential drink spiking at a bar on Anlaby Road.

The offence allegedly took place at Moderation between 11pm on Saturday, March 25 and 1am on Sunday, March 26.

A woman attended hospital after becoming unwell in the bar.

Detective Constable Wilkinson-Keys said: “Since the report was made to us, various investigations have been undertaken by officers, including reviewing CCTV footage of the area, as well as speaking to local businesses to try and locate any potential witnesses.

“Following extensive lines of enquiry, we are now in a position to release CCTV images of a man we believe could assist with our ongoing enquiries.

“If this man is you, or you know who he is, you can contact us on our non-emergency number 101, quoting crime reference number 23000044155.”


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