‘The perfect location’: Film studio plans approved

COMING SOON: How the complex will look

By Angus Young

Ambitious plans to create the first purpose-built film production complex in Hull have been approved.

The £3m development will feature a 19,700sq ft soundstage being constructed at a currently vacant site on the Priory Park industrial estate.

Once operational it will be used to create indoor film sets. It aims to complement Hull’s growing appeal as an outdoor film location, particularly for period dramas using the Old Town’s historic streets and buildings.

With planning permission granted by Hull City Council earlier this week, the complex will also include dressing rooms, office space and temporary accommodation for visiting film crews as part of the main building, as well as a standalone joinery and fabrication workshop.

It is scheduled to be ready for use by the end of next year.

The project is being spearheaded by city-based independent film production company Northern Films which has its premises next to the site in Saltmarsh Court.

The company’s existing building has recently been converted into a multi-use film production base.

Once open, visiting film companies will not only be able to hire the new facility but will be encouraged to work with local people keen to start a career in the industry.

Ultimately, the idea is to involve local university and sixth-form students as well as young people on low incomes.

The project coincides with the 90th anniversary of Hull-born J. Arthur Rank’s first foray into the film industry. As head of the Rank Organisation, he went on to become  Britain’s leading film producer and founded Pinewood Studios.

Northern Films director Andrew Fenton said: “Television and film production is a major growth industry in the UK and, for a variety of reasons but mainly cost, companies are increasingly looking for production bases outside of London.

“We believe we can offer top-quality facilities right here in Hull. We have the perfect location to meet the very specific requirements of the industry and a strong long-standing network of existing businesses in Hull with the sort of skills that are essential in set design and construction.

“The soundstage will add to what we already have here and the two buildings will be physically linked by a footbridge between the upper floors.”

In recent years Mr Fenton’s business has evolved from a commercial design studio mainly creating showrooms for clients in the automotive industry to a fully-fledged film studio.

The company’s first feature film, a comedy drama set in Hull called The Last Trip, is due to be released in cinemas in November.

He added: “We already have post-production and grading facilities, sound mastering, visual effects and CGI here along with sets, rehearsal space and a hospitality area so adding a soundstage is the next logical step for us.

“A big emphasis for us is providing opportunities for young people locally to get into the industry and learn new in-demand skills without having to leave home and go to London. Everything we have done so far, including making The Last Trip, has followed that ethos. It was fully produced using local skills and people with no experience in film production.

“We feel the skills being taught are not the current expectations of the industry so this building and the concept behind it will provide those skills locally.

“Most soundstage facilities are usually landlord-operated and are just spaces to hire out with  very limited opportunities for local people. However, we hope this will be very different.

“In addition, we will employ local freelancers to oversee the upkeep and management of the building, while the ultimate aim is to establish a long-term programme of productions rather than living hand-to-mouth off one-off projects. In that way, it will create regular work for local freelancers.”

Mr Fenton said he had already received positive interest from a number of UK film production companies. 

“It ticks a lot of boxes in terms of what the industry needs right now,” he added.


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