Deaf adventurer treks across Alps for charity that ‘helped me live my life’

STUNNING VIEWS: Carl Morris takes a breather on his alpine trek

By Simon Bristow

A deaf adventurer from Hull has raised almost £5,000 for a leading deaf children’s charity by completing a gruelling trek through the Alps.

Carl Morris, from Anlaby Park, west Hull, joined 19 other plucky walkers for a three-day trek through the Alps, covering a total distance of 46 kilometres (28.5 miles), including 2,300 metres of ascents.

He raised £4,965 for the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS), which supports the UK’s 50,000 deaf children, including the 307 deaf children in Hull.

DETERMINED: Carl Morris on his 46km walk through the mountains

Carl is a former world pool champion turned adventurer, who in 2008 became the first deaf person to walk to the North Pole, raising an astonishing £50,000 for the NDCS. He has taken part in over a dozen treks for the charity, including through the Namib desert in Africa, and in Cambodia and Mexico.

Carl, who lives with his wife Corinne and children Olivia, ten, and James, eight, said of his latest adventure: “The whole trip was an absolute blast where each one of us supported the other. I can honestly say across the multiple trips I have undertaken that this was the best group that I’ve ever travelled with. The weather was so warm that I even took a dip in an Alpine lake 2,000 metres up.

“As a profoundly deaf child, my parents relied on the National Deaf Children’s Society for advice which enabled them to create the environment in which I could flourish. I attribute the life I lead today as a direct result of that help. That’s why I have - and always will - support the charity.”

REFRESHING: Carl Morris takes a dip 2,000 metres above sea level

Melissa Jones, who supports fundraisers for the National Deaf Children’s Society, said: “I want to say a huge thank you to Carl for taking on this spectacular challenge for us. You’re an incredible fundraiser and we’re so grateful for all you’ve done for us over the years.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society is dedicated to supporting the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. The efforts of selfless fundraisers like Carl will help us to keep on doing our vital work, now and into the future.”


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