Welcome to The Hull Story


Welcome to The Hull Story online, a new and independent digital news service for our great city.

Our commitment is to be an independent voice for Hull; to provide quality, public interest journalism; and to inform, challenge, and entertain while maintaining the highest editorial standards.

In wanting the best for our city, we will champion our heroes and good causes, but we will not shy away from difficult issues and we will not sit on the fence. We will be a campaigning publication.

We will regularly provide fresh and exclusive content that meets these aims.

Our success, of course, will depend on our readers, so please have a look at our website, let us know what you think, and help us spread the word. This website is owned and run by experienced journalists from Hull. We are a wholly independent Hull business.

We initially launched as a monthly print magazine last November, and include on the website some of the best content from the magazine which was published before the coronavirus pandemic struck.

We thank all readers, contributors, and advertisers who have supported us so far, and hope more will join us online.

Finally, we pay tribute to the selfless courage of the NHS staff and other key workers who have been on the frontline tackling the pandemic. We express our admiration for the people of Hull for the resilience they have shown in responding to the crisis, and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to those who have lost loved ones and whose lives will never be the same.


Hospital boss issues stark warning to drinkers as pubs set to reopen


Fruit Market welcomes back diners and drinkers for safe socialising