Region’s army of volunteers cheered by charities at annual awards
HONOURED: Winners and shortlisted volunteers at the Time2Volunteer Awards
By Rick Lyon, Co-Editor
Hundreds of charity supporters from across the Hull and Humber region came together to cheer the efforts of volunteers at the annual celebration organised by HEY Smile Foundation.
Businesses and local authorities added their tributes at the Time2Volunteer Awards 2024, which honoured the achievements of young and old helping with activities ranging from supporting children with special educational needs, families in crisis and inclusive sports, to environmental programmes, mental health and art, culture and heritage projects.
Sponsors of the awards presented the special Time2Volunteer star trophies to 12 winners who also each received a donation of £250 for their charities from Making A Difference Locally (MADL), the official charity of Nisa retail (part of Coop Group) and one of the event partners.
Kate Carroll of MADL said: “We are delighted to again support the awards and celebrate the incredible work of the region’s many dedicated volunteers who so selflessly give up their time to support others and truly make a difference to their communities.”
More than 300 people attended the awards lunch at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Hull and heard the stories of such dedicated individuals as Donna Adams, a Telephone Befriender for Age UK who is registered blind herself, and Jean Walker, now 82, who has been volunteering at the CHCP NHS Talking Therapies Allotment Group for more than a decade.
Guest speaker Mark Millar, a TV presenter whose credits include DIY shows on Channel 5 and the BBC’s DIY SOS Big Build programme, told how he only became aware of the power of volunteering after seeing for himself the effort which went into DIY SOS and the achievements which resulted.
He said: “It was an honour being at the Time2Volunter Awards. Just being in the same room with so many inspirational volunteers reminded me that there is so much good in this world. Powerful, loving people every one of them. All working from there heart, not their wallet.”
Councillor Mike Ross, leader of Hull City Council, thanked the volunteers for their contribution to communities across the region.
SPEAKERS: From left, Councillor Mike Ross; Jamie Lewis; Councillor Anne Handley; Tessa Wray; Mark Millar; and Steph Atkinson
He said: “It was fantastic to be at the awards and to get the chance to see again what a difference so many people make by volunteering across Hull and the East Riding. Whether it is an hour a day or days on end, so many people give up so much of their valuable time to make a difference. I cannot thank them enough – though the awards are a great chance to say thank you. I hope that this helps encourage others to consider volunteering their time as well.”
The ceremony closed with a Special Recognition Award for 90-year-old Dave Thompson, who has been volunteering and raising funds for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People for decades. His efforts included delivering over 1,800 talks and raising over £200,000 for the charity.
East Riding Council leader Councillor Anne Handley, who presented the award to Dave, said: “I was extremely pleased to attend this awards ceremony to honour our many volunteers.
“The vital contributions that volunteers make to everyday life in the East Riding can’t be overstated and they deserve a huge thank you for their work and the dedication they show to their communities.”
Tessa Wray, head of partnerships at HEY Smile Foundation, thanked event partners Hull CVS, MADL, East Riding Council, Hull City Council and all the award sponsors, and said work is already under way to recognise the work of more volunteers with an even bigger celebration in 2025.
Tessa said: “Volunteers are incredibly important to charities, charitable organisations, and voluntary groups across the Humber. Most wouldn’t be able to deliver their vital work without them.
“This event is a highlight of Smile’s calendar and a real team effort, bringing together like-minded organisations who recognise the importance of volunteers and help Smile shine a light on the collective contribution and difference volunteers make. It highlights their efforts and also raises awareness of the personal boost which volunteers often get from giving their time to support others.”
Roll of Honour:
Active and Sports Award sponsored by Active Humber – Carolyn Croft, Little Victories in the Community
Behind the Scenes Award sponsored by Umber Creative – Jacob Birch, Scouts
Environmental Award sponsored by Transwaste – Denys Fell, Densholme Farm
Founding Award sponsored by The One Point – Pippa Whitehall, The Lookout
Good Neighbour Award sponsored by Mitsubishi Chemical UK – Margaret Webster, Hull Woman’s Aid
Inclusive Award supported by MADL – Donna Adams, Age UK Hull & East Yorkshire
Long-Serving Award sponsored by MKM Building Supplies – Sarah Byrne, HEY! Volunteering
Older Award sponsored by KCOM – Jean Walker, CHCP NHS Talking Therapies Allotment Group
Team Award sponsored by Arco – Barton Volunteers
Trustee Award sponsored by Smailes Goldie – Sharon Igoe, Goodwin Development Trust
Young Award sponsored by Eltherington Group – Jax Batty, A Bear Called Buttony
Special Recognition Award supported by East Riding oCouncil – Dave Thompson, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People