‘A danger to women’: Sex offender Stephen Clavering jailed

‘DANGEROUS’: Stephen Clavering

By Simon Bristow

A sex offender branded “a danger to women” has been jailed for more than seven years.

Stephen Clavering, 45, sexually assaulted his victim after entering her home while she slept. She managed to struggle free and seek help from a neighbour.

His offending began more than two years ago when he started sending the woman voice messages, which “became increasingly sexualised and threatening”, Humberside Police said.

A jury at Hull Crown Court convicted Clavering of sexual assault, causing actual bodily harm, trespass with intent to commit sexual assault, and sending offensive messages. He admitted a further charge of assaulting a police officer.

Clavering, of Blandford Close, Bransholme, has now been jailed for seven-and-a-half years. Prosecutor Jeremy Evans said: “Clavering is a danger to women and is now facing a long prison sentence.”

Detective Sergeant Gary Mathews, investigating officer, said: “ I am pleased with the lengthy sentence handed out to Clavering. He put his victim through a terrifying ordeal, and I would like to praise the victim’s strength and conduct throughout the judicial process.

"It cannot have been easy to have lived with this hanging over them for two years, but they have handled themselves impeccably.

“Clavering tried to exert control over his victim and his bullying quickly escalated into a terrifying confrontation in the victim’s own bedroom, where anyone should feel safest.

“I hope the victim feels reassured that Clavering is off the streets for a long time and can no longer cause her or other women harm.”

He added: “If you have been a victim of a sexual offence, we will listen to you and will do everything we can to put those responsible before the courts.

“There are multiple ways to report offences of this nature and it will always be treated with sensitivity. You can report it directly to the police or speak to one of our partner charities or organisations if that feels more comfortable for you.

”However you tell us, we will listen and we will investigate.” 


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