Humber Bridge Soapbox Derby called off

The Humber Bridge Soapbox Derby has become the latest event to be cancelled because of the ongoing impact of the pandemic, but organisers have vowed it will return bigger and better than ever next year.

The annual event, which is organised by Hessle Town Council and HEY Smile Foundation, has been running for eight years and brings together teams from across the country to race down a 450m slip road at the Humber Bridge.

Companies, schools and groups of friends spend months designing and building their homemade team carts in an effort to lift the winner’s trophy.

Whilst this year’s event was not due to take place until July, when lockdown restrictions are planned to have been eased across the country, the Humber Bridge Board has been unable to permit the use of the bridge or its wider estate for large scale events as the area is currently in use as a Covid-19 testing site.

It was announced earlier this month that the Humber Bridge Half Marathon and Fun Run had been cancelled for the same reason.

Despite the disappointment, organisers have said they are already planning the derby’s return in 2022 with a ‘Big Build’.

Councillor Phil Davison, Town Mayor and Chair of Hessle Town Council, said: “This is an annual highlight in the events calendar for Hessle.

“Year on year, it attracts teams and spectators from the local area and beyond. It’s always a fantastic day with plenty of entertainment, creativity and, of course, the soapbox racing.

“While obviously disappointing, this was the only decision which could be made, and we would particularly like to thank our main event sponsor, Sargent Electrical, and the Humber Bridge Board for all their support.

“We hope to welcome everyone back for an even bigger and better event in 2022.”

Sarah Shepherdson, Events and Communications Manager at Smile, said: “We are devastated that for another year we can’t hold this event.

“Due to the Humber Bridge site being used for the much-needed Covid-19 testing, it is of course the only decision which could be made.

“We can’t wait to release our plans for ‘The Big Build’ and we hope that you’ll all join us for 2022.

“My thanks go to Hessle Town Council, the Bridge Board, main sponsor Sargent Electrical and event partner Specsavers Hessle for their support with this decision.”

Entries for the 2022 event will be opened as shortly, with updates being issued via social media.


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