‘I knew I had to tackle my weight to feel in control. It’s changed my life’

CHANGE: Jessica Everitt before and after her weight loss

It’s been an emotional rollercoaster for Jessica Everitt on her personal journey to becoming a consultant for Slimming World. Here, in her own words, is her story

My Slimming World journey began in 2016.

I knew I wanted to have a family with my partner Adam, but after being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries, I also knew the odds would be against us.

I thought that the best way to tackle this and help me feel in control of my own body would be to lose some of the excess weight I had. I didn't really know where to turn to do this and then my sister-in-law told me about Slimming World and suggested I join.

I decided to go to my first group on Newland Avenue, in Hull, and I met my consultant, Amber. It took a lot of courage for me to walk through those doors, as I was terrified. Amber was amazing and welcomed me with open arms.

When I had my new member talk, I couldn't believe it when she said I could eat all my favourite foods, especially a full English and Spaghetti Bolognese. I lost 4lbs in my first week and I was amazed.

Within a couple of months, I found out I was pregnant with my son, Shaddix. I was stunned.

I moved out of the area and, after he was born, I re-joined the local Slimming World group in Hedon, with the wonderful Claire as my consultant. My goal was to lose the added baby weight, and some more too.

I loved this group. I went in with confidence as I knew Slimming World works, and it’s a lifestyle not a diet. I successfully managed to lose over two stone and just before I went on holiday to Florida, I found out I was having another baby.

After two amazing weeks in Orlando, I was ready to go back to class and continue on my journey. But about an hour before the class started, I started getting a really bad pain in my stomach, almost like indigestion, but it came in waves.

Within 90 minutes I was in and out of consciousness at the hospital and unfortunately had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. I was rushed into surgery and had my right fallopian tube removed.

Recovery was slow and I stopped going to Slimming World as my head wasn't focused after the surgery. I gained back some weight and three months later I found myself over a stone heavier.

I re-joined my class and also joined a local Park Run. I started thinking that life is too short so I signed up for a half marathon the following March.

DEDICATED: Jessica on a Park Run, before and after losing weight

I slowly and consistently started bringing my weight back down again, and in March 2019 I ran the London Landmarks Half Marathon!

The day before I ran it, I found out I was pregnant again. It was too early for a scan so I ran very slowly, in case this pregnancy was ectopic too.

I informed Claire and she explained to me the guidelines for Slimming World in pregnancy. I was so happy I could continue with my journey safely with Slimming World.

Unfortunately, this happiness didn’t last and at around nine weeks, in May 2019, we found out at a private scan that there was no heartbeat.

I’m an emotional eater and once again I gained weight as I struggled to understand why this had happened to us again.

Five months later I was ready to re-join my class again, and once again I was welcomed back with open arms by Claire.

I’d regained almost everything again. I was angry at myself but mentally prepared to give it everything I had. And I did.

I lost around another two stone and by Christmas 2019 I was even having a Slimming World-friendly Christmas dinner!

It was then that I started realising that this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a Slimming World consultant, and help other people the way that Claire and my group had helped and supported me.

But once again, life got in the way and everyone's world got turned upside down when Covid-19 hit.

I wasn't able to join the Zoom sessions due to work and childcare issues and over the course of six months I gained almost two stone. That's when I found out we were having another baby.

I spent the whole nine months on edge, not even telling people we were having a baby. I was eating for two, or three, and gaining so much weight.

JOURNEY: It has been a rollercoaster for Jessica. Pictured left, with actor Christian Slater at a play, before losing weight, and right, after completing the London Landmarks Half Marathon

Then, on February 15, 2021, my beautiful Memphis Morgan Rae was born. She completed our family.

I was over the moon, until I stepped on the scales. I weighed over 17 stone. I couldn't believe it. Even when I was pregnant with Shaddix, I weighed less than this.

Due to having polycystic ovaries, the weight doesn't just fall off for me. It will come off but it takes hard work. I knew the only way I was going to lose this weight would be to head back to Slimming World.

I scoured the website for the next available class to join and that’s when I messaged Sonia. I said that I needed to join ASAP so she told me to pop along the next day.

That morning, I put my old faithful leggings and vest top on and went back to Slimming World.

During my amazing new member’s talk, I explained that I wanted to be a consultant more than anything, so Sonia said to use that as inspiration and drive. I did and the first week I lost an amazing 5lbs.

Once my maternity leave ended and I had to go back to work, I moved back to Claire’s class in Hedon but Sonia stayed in touch with me, making sure I stayed on plan. I told Claire my plan and she fully supported me in my journey.

It didn’t take long for me to put my application in to become a consultant and I was over the moon when I was accepted.

So here I am now, in February 2022, still continuing on my own journey, but sharing all the knowledge I have gained over the years and running my own Slimming World group at Thorngumbald Institute, every Thursday at 5.30pm and 7.30pm.

I’m so excited to do this. I love helping people and I know that food optimising works. I have my amazing family at home and I’m delighted to have my very own Slimming World family too.

It has made such a difference to my life.


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