Second young boy dies after Anlaby Road crash

TRAGIC: Mason Deakin

TRAGIC: Mason Deakin

A second young boy involved in a collision with a car has died, police have revealed.

Mason Deakin, 11, and his friend Steven Duffield, 10, were riding the same bicycle when it collided with a blue BMW in Anlaby Road, west Hull, at 6.10pm on Monday, October 19.

Both boys were taken to hospital, where Steven died from his injuries.

Mason had been receiving treatment. However, in a statement issued this afternoon, Humberside Police said: “We are very sorry to report that 11-year-old Mason Deakin has sadly passed away in hospital following a collision on Anlaby Road in Hull on Monday, October 19, in which 10-year-old Steven Duffield also lost his life.

“Mason lost his fight for life in hospital yesterday with his family by his side.

“We send our heartfelt condolences to Mason’s family and friends as they come to terms with their tragic loss.

“Our specially trained officers continue to support Mason’s family and also Steven Duffield’s family during this difficult time.”

A 30-year-old man arrested at the scene on suspicion of driving offences has been released under investigation as inquiries continue.

The collision investigation continues and the force is appealing for anyone who can help the investigation to call the non-emergency number 101, quoting log 488 of October 19.


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