Scout leader’s life ‘transformed’ after joining Slimming World
WEIGHT LOSS: Adam Bell before and after joining Slimming World
By Rick Lyon, Co-Editor
A young Scout leader says his life has been “transformed” after Slimming World helped him lose over 7st.
Adam Bell, 23, had always struggled with his weight, with sweets, cakes and biscuits particular weaknesses.
However, when he hit 22st 5lbs, he decided enough was enough and he had to do something about it.
He joined Slimming World with his mum, Jill, and hasn’t looked back since.
Adam, from Anlaby, lost a total of 7st 8lbs in his first 91 weeks with Slimming World, which was enough to reach the semi-finals of its national ‘Man of the Year’ competition.
His new found appreciation of healthy eating has also had a positive impact on the boys in his St Ninian’s and Ascension Scout groups, as he has replaced sugary treats for them with fruit.
“I wanted to be able to take part in the activities with the group, among other things,” he said.
“I’d always had an issue but it got worse when I was at university – just snacking on sweet things. My mum and I decided we had to do something about how big we were.
“I was nervous about going to Slimming World at first but everyone was really welcoming and friendly, and it was absolutely fine.
“Going to the group regularly has been a huge help, and I feel transformed, with so much more energy.
“I’ve cut out the sweets and cakes and now have a better understanding of portion control.
“It’s also having a wider impact as we now offer fruit bowls for the Scouts, rather than sweets. They really like it, and it’s much healthier for them.”
Web developer says he would definitely recommend Slimming World to anyone who is looking for a healthier lifestyle in 2025.
“To anyone thinking about it, I’d just say give it a go. Even if you only go once to find out for yourself, it will be worth it,” he said.
Chris Beaver, who runs the Slimming World Group Adam attends ad Edinburgh Community Centre, in Hull, said: “He was only 21 when he started, and he’s done incredibly well.
“Adam’s story is amazing. He’s changed his life, and he’s such a fantastic ambassador for Slimming World. His confidence has improved, and he’s such a lovely lad.
“As a Scout leader, he’s now changing children’s lives for the better too, by introducing them to healthier options.
“Jill’s’ doing so well too. We’re really proud of them.”