Avenues Open Gardens raises more than £9,000 for Dove House Hospice
DELIGHTED: Dove House Hospice supporters Dr Mary Cryan and Len Bottaci
By Simon Bristow
An open gardens event has helped raise more than £9,000 for Dove House Hospice.
This year’s Avenues Open Gardens took place on consecutive Sundays on July 3 and 10, with more than 50 gardens and households taking part.
As well as inviting visitors into their tenderly cared for plots, gardeners also sold plants, dined on home-baked cakes, and enjoyed performances from local musicians - and in doing so helped raise £9,216 for the Hull hospice.
Dan Clipson, from Dove House Hospice, said: “We are thrilled with the success of this year’s Open Gardens. There have been many challenges over the last couple of years as a result of the pandemic, so it has been fantastic to see so many people showing their support for this wonderful long-standing community event.
“We are entirely reliant on donations from the public to ensure we can continue to provide our care for people across Hull and East Yorkshire living with terminal illnesses. This money will go such a long way in making sure we are there for everyone who needs us. Thank you to the Avenues community in Hull for continuing to support Dove House in this way.”
Dove House Hospice offers specialist palliative care to adults with life-limiting illnesses. There is no charge for any of the services provided, and anyone from Hull and the East Riding can be referred to the hospice for care. All care is specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient and their families.
The hospice needs more than £8.6m a year to maintain and develop its specialist care services.