‘Imagine a Perfect World’: New project to strengthen Hull’s links with Freetown

TALENT: One of the Freetown Film Labs

TALENT: One of the Freetown Film Labs

A new series of short films is set to strengthen Hull’s links with its partner city Freetown, in Sierra Leone.

Freedom Festival and KCOM are teaming up with Nova Studios, Freetown Media Centre and the British Council to commission the project, called ‘Freetown Film Labs - Imagine a Perfect World’.

It will involve young filmmakers from both Hull and Sierra Leone and follows a series of British Council supported ‘Film Labs’, which were established to grow and develop filmmaking talent in Freetown.

The labs were run throughout 2020 and into 2021 by Hull-based film company Nova, along with their long-standing collaborators at Freetown Media Centre. 

Nova were scheduled to visit Freetown regularly through 2020 to deliver training in-person, until the pandemic hit.

SUCCESS: Young filmmakers in Sierra Leone

SUCCESS: Young filmmakers in Sierra Leone

The plan was adapted and Nova delivered live workshops and seminars to classes of 20 of Sierra Leone’s brightest young filmmakers via Zoom.

The Film Labs were a big success, with 30 short films produced throughout the process.

Nova Director Matt Stephenson said: “We’ve visited Freetown 15 times since 2006 and it was a great privilege for us to work again alongside our Emmy nominated friends and colleagues Lansana Mansaray and Arthur Pratt.

“The British Council chose us to work on this project not only because of the quality of our work, but also because we have real understanding of the culture and life in Sierra Leone.

“Education, arts and cultural industries in Sierra Leone are under-developed and it was very fulfilling to be able to play a role in passing on skills and developing the film sector in a country we love.”

The new films with be shown at this year’s Freedom Festival.


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