Research assistant Paul goes the extra mile for hospitals charity


A health worker is undertaking a gruelling fundraising effort to raise money for independent hospital charity WISHH.

NHS Clinical Trial assistant Paul Harper has pledged to run at least 5k a day, 3.1 miles, throughout the year, covering at least 1,825k (1131,5 miles) to raise money for WISHH, the independent charity supporting Hull’s hospitals.

WISHH will use the £1,000 Paul aims to raise to support its projects to make life better for patients, visitors and staff at Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospital.

Paul, who works in Cardiology Research, is also one of the run leaders for HUTH Harriers, has put a contingency plan in place to deal with bad weather or injury.

“While I’ll hope to complete the daily mileage by mainly road running, I will use a treadmill if needs must, though I don't envisage this happening,” he said.

“If I get injured, ill or have to self-isolate, which is very plausible, given the current climate, I will roll the days over in to the start of 2023.”

Paul has linked his JustGiving page to his Strava account so people can follow his progress, and would appreciate any support from staff.

“No matter how big or small your donation, it all helps,” said Paul, who aims to donate 10p for every mile he runs, so aiming to contribute £120 by the end of his challenge.

WISHH manager Lisa Whitton said: “We are really grateful to Paul for his support. It’s a great challenge and Paul’s commitment to supporting HUTH Harriers, as well as taking part in fundraising for WISHH is fantastic, helping us make a difference to patients, loved ones and staff across our hospitals. 

“We wish him all the best of luck for his great challenge.”

You can find out more about the WISHH Charity and how they help city hospitals here, and follow them on social media @WISHHcharity.


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