Home Front: New exhibition tells story of National Picture Theatre bombing in WW2
DEVASTATION: The site of the National Picture Theatre in Beverley Road, Hull, after it was bombed during the Second World War. Picture credit: Hull History Centre
By Simon Bristow
A new exhibition commemorating the 82nd anniversary of the bombing of the National Picture Theatre will go on display at Hull History Centre next week.
Home Front will pay tribute to the additional roles taken on by civilians in Hull during the Second World War and celebrate the remarkable story of the National Picture Theatre ahead of its renovation.
Organised by the National Picture Theatre project team at Hull City Council, the exhibition begins on Tuesday, March 7, and will be open daily from 10am to 2pm and until Thursday, March 9.
The exhibition documents the events around the bombing through photographs, objects and personal stories. Events and sites tours will also take place at the former Stepney Station, also in Beverley Road.
During the war, Hull was the second most heavily bombed city in the UK outside London and was targeted right up to the final night of raids.
Residents are being encouraged to share their stories and photoghraphs at the exhibition.
Councillor Rob Pritchard, portfolio holder for crime, communities and culture at the city council, said: “This new exhibition explores the extra roles that ordinary people had to do in the city during the Blitz.
“This exhibition reminds us to learn from history and to think of those who suffered in Hull in 1941.
“I encourage residents, young and old, to come and enjoy this free exhibition about one of Hull’s most bombed and untouched sites in the city.”
Site tours, history talks, and art workshops will all be on offer as part of the exhibition, as well as drop-in family history sessions where people can share their own stories of life during the Hull Blitz. The workshops will take place at Hull History Centre and Stepney Station in a fortnight of free events.
The National Picture Theatre will be conserved thanks to funding from Hull City Council and The National Lottery Heritage Fund. An area for events and education will be created as will a memorial space allowing visitors to learn about the roles civilians played in the Second World War.
The following events are also taking place:
Tuesday, March 7, 1.30pm to 3pm, Hull History Centre: A talk on historic and modern projection by Hull Independent Cinema Company
Wednesday, March 8, 1.30pm to 3pm, Hull History Centre: A talk on the history of the National Picture Theatre and its renovation
Thursday, March 9, 1.30pm to 3pm, Hull History Centre: A cinema doodle workshop by artist Charlotte Eldred
Monday, March 13, 10am to 11.30am, National Picture Theatre: Site tour and talk by Hilary and Tom, trustees of NCWW2MT
Tuesday, March 14, 1.30pm to 3pm, Stepney Station: Talk, National Picture Theatre: Mini model craft workshop.
These events are free but booking is essential. Events can be booked here. For more details follow the National Picture Theatre on social media: Twitter @NPTHull, Facebook @ National Picture Theatre, Hull