A lifetime of caring: Midwifery Assistant Pat retires after 66 years of service


By Rick Lyon

A Midwifery Assistant at Hull Women and Children’s Hospital has retired after 66 years of dedicated service to the NHS.

From a very young age, Pat Watts knew she wanted to pursue a career in an environment which had people at heart. That passion led her into the health service in 1957, when she joined the gynaecology ward of the Cottage Hospital as a pre-student, aged just 16.

At 18 she started her career as a student nurse at Beverley Westwood Hospital. After getting married in 1960, Pat returned to the hospital as an auxiliary nurse, working the night shift until she became pregnant with her first child towards the end of 1961.

In 1963, Pat applied to go back to work, but since there were no available positions at Beverley Westwood Hospital, she ended up working at Brandesburton Hospital instead, again on night shifts. She remained there until the end of 1964, when she left to have her second child with her husband John.

In July 1966, Pat was able to return to Beverley Westwood Hospital and often found herself in charge of the night shift as an auxiliary nurse. She later had another period of work at the Cottage Hospital, but when it closed down, Pat returned to Beverley Westwood once again. She initially worked on the gynaecology ward, before moving to maternity.

LONG-SERVER: Pat Watts, highlighted, at Beverley Westwood Hospital in 1959

Pat relocated once more to Castle Hill Hospital, where she worked in the midwife-led birth centre. She also worked in the Jubilee Centre, supporting midwives to care for women and training in baby massage, before it closed in 2012. Pat then transferred to Hull Women and Children’s Hospital, where she worked as a midwifery assistant on the Maple Ward.

After 66 years, Pat has now left to care for her husband, whose ill health requires her undivided attention.

While she is more than happy to support her husband, Pat, now 82, said she would have liked to stay on longer.

“I would have continued working. I don’t know how long for because I am quite healthy and fit, but my husband comes first,” she said.

She added that whereas she has loved every bit of her career, describing it as “my life”, it is time to let go now for her husband because: “I just couldn’t leave him.”

‘I LOVED MY JOB’: Pat Watts Beverley Cottage Hospital

Commenting on why she stayed on for so long, Pat said she simply could not see herself doing anything else.

“I loved working. I loved my job, it’s been my life and kept me going but if you’ve got family, you’ve got to help out,” said Pat.

Despite the challenges and the many changes the health service has gone through since she started, Pat said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my job. I loved my team and I miss people.”

Claire Porteus, Charge Midwife on Maple Ward, said: “We have missed Pat since she took her well-deserved retirement. She was everyone’s favourite unofficial auntie on Maple Ward.

“She worked really hard and was such a cheerful team member, and a great listener. Pat is very much loved and she has more than earned her rest and time to spend with her family.”


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