Police appeal after 44 fined for weekend lockdown parties

APPEAL: Humberside Police Assistant Chief Constable Paul Anderson

APPEAL: Humberside Police Assistant Chief Constable Paul Anderson

Police have today issued a fresh appeal to people across Hull and the surrounding area to abide by lockdown restrictions, after being alerted to a number of house parties over the weekend.

Officers attended numerous reports of large gatherings on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, despite the national Covid lockdown.

Eight people were issued with fines at a house on Farringdon Street where a large party was taking place on Friday.

The following night, 11 people were handed fines at a house on Wright Street where another party was being held.

On Sunday, 12 people were given fines at a house on St Georges Road and 13 people were fined at a property on Spring Bank. Parties were being held at both addresses.

Rule-breakers can be fined £200 for their first offence, which is lowered to £100 if paid within 14 days. Fines of £400 can be issued for second offences, which can then be doubled for each subsequent offence, up to a maximum of £6,400.

Humberside Police Assistant Chief Constable Paul Anderson said: “Our policing approach has always been to engage with our residents and communities, explaining and encouraging them to follow the guidance, letting people know that what they are doing may put themselves and others at risk.

“The majority of people have been very accepting of this advice; however, this weekend has shown that where necessary we have had to disperse groups that are found in breach of the regulations and enforcement has been necessary.  This enforcement is only considered after all reasonable requests and other options have been tried.

“We continue to take this approach to ensure we protect our communities which will always be our priority, to keep people safe and to protect the NHS as it faces increased numbers of hospitalised patients.

“Preventing the spread of the virus remains a shared effort and everyone has personal responsibility for following the laws and regulations set out. 

“This new coronavirus variant is reported as being highly transmissible and it is crucial that we call do whatever we can to abide by the restrictions to protect each other. 

“As our communities begin to receive their Covid-19 vaccination appointments, there is much hope and anticipation that we can return to normal in the not-too-distant future.  However, now is not a time to relax or step back from our responsibilities. The complete roll-out of the vaccine programme will take months to complete and we must all continue to help each other and stay at home to stay safe and protect each other and the NHS.”

Full details about the latest lockdown restrictions can be found here.


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