Lib Dems: ‘These results put Labour council on notice’

‘WE ARE THE ONLY PARTY THAT CAN KICK LABOUR OUT IN HULL’: Liberal Democrat group leader Mike Ross

‘WE ARE THE ONLY PARTY THAT CAN KICK LABOUR OUT IN HULL’: Liberal Democrat group leader Mike Ross

Hull’s Liberal Democrats say they have put the ruling Labour group “on notice” after cutting its majority and taking two high-profile scalps in the Local Elections.

Labour held onto power at the city council when the results were announced last night, although its majority was cut to just three seats.

Labour’s Peter North took a seat from the Conservatives in the Bricknell ward, but the party was left smarting by the loss of two cabinet members in Peter Clark (North Carr), and Dave Craker (Sutton), to the Lib Dems, with those seats taken by Jan Loft and Rhys Furley respectively.

The Lib Dems also picked up the most overall votes in the city, with 16,251, a margin of 1,409 from Labour, it said.

Lib Dem group leader, Councillor Mike Ross, who comfortably held his Beverley and Newland seat, said: “The Liberal Democrats have shown that we are the only party that can kick out this tired, burnt-out Labour council.

“Tonight’s result has shown that a council that fails to listen to residents is an administration that will be punished at the ballot box.

“Residents have turned out in their droves to vote for strong Liberal Democrat community champions, councillors that get things done for their area, and in turn thrown out two Guildhall Labour bosses.

“Hull is in dire need of change, this result puts the Labour council on notice and the Liberal Democrats are the party working to move Hull forward.”


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