Police launch weapons amnesty after fatal stabbing
SCENE: The police cordon following the fatal stabbing of Abdullah Balouchi in Peel Street
Humberside Police have tonight launched a force-wide knives and weapons amnesty following the fatal stabbing of a young man in Hull.
The initiative, which runs until Sunday, October 25, gives anyone the opportunity to hand knives in safely and anonymously.
The weapons can be disposed of in a series of bins which have been installed in police stations on both banks of the Humber.
Officers will also be carrying out weapons sweeps and undertaking proactive patrols, the force said.
The move follows the fatal stabbing of Abdullah Balouchi, 20, in Peel Street, west Hull, on the night of October 7. Four people have been charged with his murder.
Chief Superintendent Darren Wildbore said: “No one needs to be reminded of the dangers of knife crime and the recent fatal stabbing in Hull only highlights how serious a situation can get.
“We want to do everything we can to remove knives from the streets of the Humberside Police force area.
“This surrender gives everyone an opportunity to get rid of knives and weapons that could potentially cause injury, or worse, to someone in our area.
“Anyone can hand over knives safely and anonymously and in turn remove these weapons from our streets.
“In addition to this weapons surrender, our officers will be conducting weapons sweeps and doing proactive patrols across our area.
“Our message to those who carry a knife or thinking of carrying a knife is that it doesn’t protect you, and in fact it makes you more vulnerable and places you in danger of serious harm.
“We want to reassure the public that despite recent serious incidents we do not have an escalating knife problem in our area. However, it is important that we raise awareness of the dangers of carrying knives and to prevent anyone else suffering from knife crime.”
Knifes and weapons, including other items made or adapted for the sole purpose of causing injury, can be handed in safely in bins located at the following police stations:
Hull (Clough Road) enquiry office open Monday - Sunday 0700-2300 hours
Hull (Osbourne Street) enquiry office open Monday - Sunday 0700-2300 hours
Beverley (New Walk) enquiry office open Monday - Friday 0800-2000, Saturday and Sunday 0800–1800 hours
Goole (Estcourt Terrace) enquiry office open Monday - Friday 0800-2000 hours, Saturday and Sunday 0800-1800 hours
Bridlington (Ashville Street) is an active enquiry office open Monday - Friday 0800-2000 hours, Saturday and Sunday 0800-1800 hours
Grimsby (Victoria Street) is an active enquiry office open Monday - Sunday 0800-2000 hours
Scunthorpe (Corporation Road) enquiry office open Monday - Saturday 0800-2000 hours