‘I hope and believe I added some value’

PROUD: Keith Hunter

PROUD: Keith Hunter

Outgoing Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter has revealed his pride at his five-year tenure, which comes to an end today, and said he hopes he has made a positive difference.

Labour’s Mr Hunter leaves office today after losing last week’s election to Conservative candidate Jonathan Evison.

In a lengthy statement issued this afternoon, former Humberside Police Superintendent Mr Hunter said: “I can look back over my five years in this role and honestly state I carried it out in an apolitical manner, with integrity, and have delivered upon every promise I made in my initial election campaign. In fact, we have gone much further.

“The Humberside force was at its lowest ebb in 2016 and is now recognised throughout the country as the most improved force and one of the very best. It is a top three finalist in Police Service of the Year this year and, when the announcement is made in a few months I hope, with some expectation, that the force will be recognised as the best. That will be part of the legacy I hand over to my successor.

“There is more to come though, as I have ensured we built for the future in a sustainable manner.

“This week a new state-of-the-art ‘smart contact’ system will go live in the force, enabling this area to be right at the forefront of police / public communications. This will allow further improvements in call-handling and communication with the public to be delivered over coming months and years, even though the force has one of the very best call handing and 101 services currently.

“A new building to house a new force control room will be completed this year allowing yet further improvements. 

“A new main computer providing many of the key systems for the force is well in the pipeline and, because of the tight financial planning I have overseen, the additional officers talked of by the Government will actually be on the front line and not in offices in this force.

‘COMPETING DEMANDS’: Keith Hunter has wished his successor well

‘COMPETING DEMANDS’: Keith Hunter has wished his successor well

“The force has many other developments on track that will continue to provide additional benefits moving forward.”

Mr Hunter, who came second in the election with 71,615 votes overall, compared to Mr Evison’s 79,534, said he accepts the public’s demands for further improvements to the force’s performance.

He said: “I fully understand that not everyone receives the service they would like from the force on every occasion.

“I also recognise that the public want even more visible policing, although it has increased substantially during my tenure.

“But I also know our children need to be protected from those who would prey on them and women are not sufficiently protected from abuse and assault, and that people are treated as slaves and trafficked for gain and far too many people die on our roads. The list is almost endless.

“There are so many competing demands that policing can never provide what everyone wants on every occasion.

“Managing those expectations is important, as over-promising and under-delivering will erode confidence, which is dangerous for the legitimacy of the whole criminal justice system. Being able to plan continuous improvement through that almost impossibly complex network of demands and relationships, involving numerous criminal justice and community safety partners, is the crux of the PCC’s role – not simply ‘being seen’ and being the ‘the voice of the people’.

“It is delivery that changes lives for the better, not rhetoric. It is a task I put nearly 40 years of experience into and I gave it my all. I hope and believe I added some value.”

IMPROVED: Police officer number have increased

IMPROVED: Police officer numbers have increased

He went on to thank those that have supported him throughout his period as Humberside PCC.

“I want to thank our Chief Constable for his outstanding leadership and support and pay tribute to the volunteers, Special Constables, staff and officers of Humberside Police who provide for all our safety every day and who, all too often, are not appreciated by a vocal minority,” he said.

“They continue to have the confidence and support of the vast majority. I also want to thank all the professionals and volunteers I have worked with during the past five years for your dedication and friendship.

“Finally, I want to say a heartfelt ‘thank-you’ to every member of staff in the OPCC (Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner). They bought into my vision and supported me every step of the way to bring us to where we are now.

“I walked into an office alone five years ago and faced a situation that everyone seemed to think was hopeless. I said things were going to change and they were the first to believe me.

“Every step taken since has been with their unwavering support and they have seen from the inside the thousands of decisions, day by day, that have been required to bring us to this point.

“I hand over to my successor something unrecognisably better than I inherited. Whilst never content, I will accept that.

“I wish him well and hope he continues the journey of improvement.”


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