Public Health Director: ‘Don’t be complacent’
WARNING: Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health at Hull City Council. Picture by Tom Arran Commercial Photography
Hull’s Director of Public Health has urged people not to become complacent in the fight against Covid-19, as the city avoided being moved into Tier 4 restrictions.
It was confirmed this afternoon that Hull will remain in Tier 3, with large swathes of the country being moved into the new higher band following increasing infection rates.
Hull had the highest infection rates in the country recently and Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health at Hull City Council, said it is important for everyone to remain vigilant.
“Currently, we remain in Tier 3 and the priority for all of us must be observing the restrictions this imposes as closely as possible,” she said.
“While it’s encouraging that we have remained in Tier 3, it is critical that we are not complacent.
“Our rates have risen, and we must remind you that you cannot meet anyone outside your household indoors or in a private garden unless they are in your support bubble.
“Avoiding further increases will be dependent on people’s personal behaviours.
“Whatever you are doing, you must continue to wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds, wear face coverings where requested and observe social distancing.
“If you or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms - a new continuous cough, temperature or loss or change to sense of taste or smell - immediately isolate and book a test.
“Along with reducing our movements and interactions as far as possible, these measures remain the most effective way to prevent spread of the virus.”
Under Tier 3:
All hospitality is closed except for delivery, takeaway and drive-through
Hotels and other accommodation providers are closed (except for specific exemptions, including people staying for work purposes or where they cannot return home)
Indoor entertainment venues are closed
Places of worship remain open but you must not attend with or socialise with anyone outside of your household or support bubble while you are there, unless a legal exemption applies
Weddings and funerals can go ahead with restrictions on the number of attendees – 15 people can attend wedding ceremonies but wedding receptions are not allowed; 30 people can attend funeral ceremonies; 15 people can attend linked commemorative events
Organised outdoor sport and physical activity and exercise classes can continue; however, higher-risk contact activity should not take place
Organised sport, physical activity and exercise classes cannot take place indoors. There are exceptions for indoor disability sport, sport for educational purposes and supervised sport and physical activity for under-18s.