Humberside Police remains ‘one of UK’s top forces’
GRADED: Humberside Police’s performance has been assessed
By Rick Lyon, Co-Editor
Humberside Police have received three “outstanding” gradings across eight areas of core policing following its latest inspection by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS).
The inspection took place from January to June this year, and looked at key areas of policing including police powers, prevention, responding to the public, protecting vulnerable people, investigations, managing offenders, workforce and leadership.
Following its previous inspection, HMICFRS graded Humberside as “outstanding” in six out of nine categories.
This is the first inspection and report that has utilised a new methodology and evaluation process.
Judi Heaton is currently Acting Chief Constable of the force following the sudden retirement in June of Paul Anderson, who is being investigated over alleged misconduct.
She said: “I am delighted with the report, which is a true testament and credit to all officers, staff and volunteers who have contributed and played their part in this achievement. It has been a team effort by colleagues across all roles in the force and I hope that they are all as proud as I am today.
“Humberside Police is one of the top performing forces in the UK, and the journey we have been on since 2017 when the force was in what was then referred to as ‘special measures’ highlights exactly how far we have come to be awarded outstanding grades.
“Even with our transformation and improvements, this will always remain as a journey for us. We will never be complacent, and we will always strive to achieve.”
HMICRFS carries out inspections of all police forces and fire and rescue services across the UK to ensure the best possible service is being delivered to the public, and to flag any areas of concern.
Humberside Police received three “outstanding” grades for prevention and deterrence, protecting vulnerable people and building and supporting the workforce. It is the highest number of outstanding grades of any force currently.
It also received four “good” grades in use of powers, responding to the public, managing offenders, and leadership and management and one “requires improvement” for investigations. The report highlights that some investigations required the need for more regular supervision and more through completion of standardised templates.
It also expresses concern over the recent sudden change in leadership of the force.
Michelle Skeer, HM Inspector of Constabulary, says: “Since we carried out our inspection, I have become concerned about a lack of stability in the chief officer team and among other senior leaders. And I am concerned about how this may negatively affect the force’s performance and culture now and in the future.”
Ms Heaton said: “The report recognised our successes in keeping people safe, reducing crime and ensuring victims are given an effective service, and this is undoubtedly down to the hard work of our teams across the force.
“The grades achieved by the force are testament to the steadfast commitment of our officers, staff and volunteers.
“Despite the many challenges faced in policing, not least the violent disorder we saw over the summer, they have been relentless in their pursuit of achieving excellence and indeed our performance has improved in several areas since the inspection.
“However, with any comprehensive inspection, there are always areas where there remains room for improvement, and this is something that we will now focus on to ensure we deliver the best possible service to our communities. We are always continuously improving with more processes, policies and procedures developed and embedded.
“The support of the public and our partner agencies is key for us to maintain the service we are able to provide, and I want to offer my personal thanks, as we are in a stronger position now than we ever have been before.
“There remains a way to go, but I can offer my assurance that we are determined, and we will succeed in continuing to provide our communities with the exceptional level of service they deserve from their police force.”
Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Evison said: “It is really encouraging to see such a positive report from HMICFRS for Humberside Police.
“These grades reflect the continued hard work of police officers, police staff and volunteers. My thanks go to everyone for their hard work and dedication to the public.
“Humberside Police remain the highest graded police force in the country, and that is something I am really proud of.
“However, as your public representative, I know there is no room for complacency. I will continue to support and challenge the force, via the Chief Constable, to ensure continuous improvement for the public and victims.”
Regarding the “requires improvement” grading for investigations, Mr Evison said: “Over the last 12 months, there has been significant improvements within Humberside Police when it comes to investigating crime.
“To reassure the public, I can say that despite the findings in this area, Humberside are one of the top performing forces for positive outcomes.”