‘I lost over 9st, now I’m helping others drop their lockdown pounds’

TRANSFORMATION: Lisa Lamplough before and after her weight loss

By Rick Lyon

A woman who lost more than 9st after her weight ballooned when she was suffering from depression is now helping others shed pounds piled on during the Covid lockdowns.

Lisa Lamplough felt like a “freak show”, cut herself off from her friends and was embarrassed to go shopping for clothes and swimming with her children when she put on an unhealthy amount of weight after the birth of her third daughter.

She was suffering from depression following an earlier ectopic pregnancy, which had caused increased stress and worry that the same thing would happen again.

Lisa’s youngest daughter was born healthy and without complications, but Lisa struggled with her mental health and turned to food for comfort.

Her weight went up to over 19st, further damaging her mental wellbeing.

But after joining Slimming World, Lisa, from Kingswood, lost more than 9st. It transformed her life as her confidence rocketed.

Now, as a consultant herself, she is helping others who have put on weight as life has been impacted by Covid restrictions.

“Covid has affected people in so many ways and these last two years have been really difficult for everyone”, said Lisa.

‘ASHAMED AND EMBARRASSED’: Lisa Lamplough before she lost more than 9st

“People have been eating and drinking more at home, they’ve been unable to go out as they normally would when we’ve been in lockdown and they haven’t been able to go away on holiday, which would usually act as an incentive or motivation to get in shape.

“There weren’t any weddings, christenings – nothing. It means a lot of people have put on weight, which has then made them feel bad about themselves. Now, as restrictions have lifted and people are getting out and living their lives again, they want to do something about it.

“I’ve been inundated with messages from people wanting support.”

Lisa, 54, is ideally placed to provide that support after her own personal battle with her weight.

She will celebrate 16 years as a Slimming World consultant next month, a role she describes as a “vocation”.

Lisa had been a member previously, but really dedicated herself to the programme when her weight reached almost 20st back in January 2000.

“I was suffering from depression, but back then it wasn’t recognised the way it is now and there wasn’t a great deal of support,” she said.

“At that time, I just thought food was my friend and I used it as a crutch.

“I was the biggest person I knew and I hated not fitting in. I felt like a freak show. I couldn’t fit into rides at the funfair, I didn’t want to go shopping for clothes or swimming with my kids, and I avoided going out with my friends.

HAPPY: Lisa Lamplough’s confidence rocketed after her weight loss

“I was ashamed and embarrassed. It affected every single aspect of my life.”

Lisa decided she had to address her weight for the sake of her three daughters and lost an incredible 9st 7lbs, with the support of Slimming World.

“I had to do something to make sure I’d be around for my kids,” she said. “I just wanted to be me again, rather than this person I didn’t recognise, stuck in a nineteen-and-a-half stone body.

“I promised myself I’d do it and it was the best decision I ever made.”

Having achieved and maintained her own target, Lisa was taken on as a Slimming World consultant and now revels in supporting others.

“I love helping my members when things are difficult and I love seeing their successes,” she said. “I don’t look at it as a job, I see it as a vocation.

“We’re a community and I’ve forged some incredible friendships through Slimming World. Everybody is there for the same reason and we understand the difficulties, the ups and the downs.

“It’s a journey, and one that I’ve been on myself, so thankfully I’m now able to help others.”

  • Slimming World groups are held across Hull, with Covid precautions in place at them all. For more information, visit slimmingworld.co.uk.


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