Rovers unveil ambitious regeneration plans, and invite public to have their say

VISION: The footprint for regeneration

By Simon Bristow, Co-Editor

Hull Kingston Rovers have unveiled ambitious plans to regenerate land surrounding its Sewell Group Craven Park stadium.

The Super League club has launched a consultation exercise on the plans and is encouraging the community to get involved and have their say.

The proposals are set to enhance the area with investment into better facilities and amenities, to promote health and wellbeing across East Hull and the wider city, while helping to futureproof the club’s ambitions, both on and off the pitch.

The club says its proposals would contribute significantly to wider rejuvenation efforts ongoing in East Hull by Hull City Council.

If successful, the plans would see significant investment into sport and leisure facilities, with the development of three training pitches, with one available for public use; new outdoor sporting facilities and the rejuvenation of the Waudby Centre.

It would also bring forward two, large-scale retail stores – to be occupied by “leading UK brands”, in addition to the development of a retail terrace, open public spaces, and adequate car parking facilities to support the masterplan. Some initial future enhancements to the stadium itself have also been outlined.

The club, and its wider masterplan team, are inviting the community to view the proposals and speak directly with the project team at a public drop-in event, which will be held at the Waudby Centre on Thursday, March 20 from 2pm to 7pm.

The proposals are also available for all to view and respond to on a dedicated consultation website, where you can also contact the consultation team:

The deadliine for responses is Friday, March 28.

Hull KR chief executive Paul Lakin said: “As an ambitious club, dedicated to the fans and the city we represent, we are incredibly proud to share our vision for the masterplan with the public – which could mean big opportunities for communities and for people’s lives within the city, and for the club itself.

“This scheme aims to significantly enhance the stadium footprint and turn us into an impressive sporting campus in East Hull. These proposals will set a legacy, long beyond the current custodian’s ownership – securing the future of our club, bettering our city and opening up fantastic opportunities for local young people – providing the right investment and infrastructure to help them to lead happier and healthier lives.”

He added: “We invite everyone to have their say on the plans, and make help to secure the best possible outcomes for communities across East Hull and beyond.”


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