Have your say on Hull’s future: Work starts on new community strategy

A panoramic view of Hull with Queens Gardens in the centre. Picture by Andy Medcalf

By Simon Bristow

Residents are to be asked to help create a community strategy for Hull that will help shape the city’s future and development over the next ten years.

The city council is asking people to give their views on a range of topics, saying what works well and what needs to change or improve, from antisocial behaviour to bin collections, great local services or barriers to accessing them, or something missing that could improve life in Hull.

The finished document will replace Hull’s ten-year City Plan, which expires next year.

Everyone will be encouraged to take part, whether online or in-person, using a written form, easy-read version or alternative languages. The council wants to understand the highlights, issues and challenges, of living here, and people’s hopes and aspirations for the future, it said.

The council’s voluntary and community sector partner Forum is now undertaking the initial phase of the process, which involves working with more than 30 groups and networks throughout Hull to engage with a diverse group of people. The themes which emerge from these initial engagement events will be used to shape the online questionnaire which will then be open to every person in the city.

By March 2023, early feedback will have been collated and will be discussed at a council meeting.

Councillor Mike Ross, leader of Hull City Council, said: “Hull is an ambitious, creative and resilient city with a strong sense of community. We have much to be proud of, but as we look forward to 2023 and beyond, we will face many new challenges and opportunities as a city and a community.

“The time is right to start a conversation about the kind of Hull we want to see in the future, whilst appreciating that it will take time to ensure the community strategy is developed with and for all parts of the community.

“This stage is about you - every person in Hull.  We want you to tell us what your life is like now, the improvements you would like to see and your aspirations for the future.”

He added: “We know from the overwhelming response to our transport survey that Hull residents want to be heard, to have a say on important issues and to be involved in the decisions the council makes.

“This time, we are asking a much wider range of questions. We want to hear about how you are coping with the cost-of-living crisis, your local services such as parks, shops and schools, and whether you can access the support you need to live well.

“The insight you provide will be invaluable.  It will allow the council and all those we work with locally, including the NHS, businesses, the police, the voluntary and community sector and others, to ensure we are focused on your priorities now and in the future. 

“We’ll be letting people know when and where you can contribute in person and online, so look out for posters, leaflets, social media and information in libraries, community centres and warm spaces to find out more and have your say.”


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