Helping Hands: Art display thanks those who have supported city during pandemic


A trail of handmade hands, honouring those who have supported us during the pandemic, will go live across the city tomorrow.

Organised by local community group We Made This, the Helping Hands trail features creations by care homes, schools, nurseries, community groups, churches, libraries, and families, in nearly 100 locations in Hull and further afield.

The idea came from group member Sue Conboy, and fitted the group’s overriding aim to provide projects that are accessible to all.

Care homes are particularly well-represented, thanks to the efforts of committee member Jane Hawes. One taking part is Foxglove, whose display is at the old post office in Sutton Church Street.

Staff member Annemarie Bone-O’Loughlin said: “Everyone has loved being involved in something we could all do together to say thank you to everyone. We enjoyed making different displays out of hands.”


Childminder Margaret Lonsdale, whose contribution can be found in Scalby Grove, said: “As well as having fun there have been lots of learning opportunities for the children here. They have developed their vocabulary, language, and creative skills, learned about the importance of helping others and being kind, and have enjoyed joining in with something in their community.”

Elizabeth Heywood, who co-coordinated the display at Pearson’s in Princes Avenue, spoke of her son, a key worker in retail, and said: “I know how unsafe he and his colleagues have felt, but they have kept going day in, day out.

“I want to thank shop workers, teachers, delivery drivers and all the others unable to work from home, including the bus and train drivers who get them to work. And of course, the incredible NHS staff who put themselves at such risk for so many. I think it's a wonderful way to show our gratitude and respect.”

Contributors also include organisations which have themselves been helping hands, such as Hull’s Homeful Helpers, a small community group in the Springbank area supporting people with free food parcels, particularly elderly residents.


Corinna Paul, leads this group, created her window display with her son.

She said: “I came across this and thought it's a such a lovely idea to display hands and thank people who have also worked, paid or voluntary, during these hard times.

“So many people and groups have done so much and the people of Hull really do come together to help others, I believe, in a crisis. Me and my youngest son made our hands for our window.

“My son is 11 years old and has missed so much schooling and it's really good to be creative. He enjoyed it and it cheered him up.”

The Helping Hands trail is on display until Saturday, April 10. A map and list of locations will be available to download from the website for the start of the trail:


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