‘Urgent’ need for food bank donations as cost of living crisis deepens
Picture by Joel Muniz
By Simon Bristow
Food banks in Hull are in “desparate” need of donations, the city council has said, as the cost of living crisis deepens.
Hundreds of people in the city use food banks each week, which are reliant on donations to keep going.
City council leader Mike Ross has urged people to “pull together and help each other when we can” by making whatever donations they can, which he said “really do make a difference”. He also described the need for food banks as “completely unacceptable” and called on central government to do more.
Organisations including Hull 4 Heroes, North Bank Forum and Hull City Council work together to help with the collection and distribution of goods. Donation points have been set up throughout the city to make it as easy as possible to drop items off.
Particularly needed are items with a long shelf-life and do not need to be refrigerated, such as long-life milk, tinned and packet goods, cereals, soup, pasta and cooking sauces. Toiletries and personal care products, including shampoo, toothpaste, soap, lip balm, deodorant, baby essentials and sanitary products are also “very welcome”.
Councillor Ross said: “The council and its partners are continuing to do all we can to help people through this crisis. Many people have received help already through the package of measures we put in place last autumn, and many more continue to seek support.
“It is more important now than ever to pull together and help each other when we can. The rising costs of food, utilities and other essentials is something that is hitting many hard and many people will not have the budget for extras right now. However, I would ask anyone who can to add an extra item or two in with the weekly shop. Everything helps and the sort of items the food banks need really do make a difference.”
He added: “We have been clear whenever we have spoken about the cost of living crisis that what’s happening is completely unacceptable. We should not be in a position where it is necessary to call for donations to food banks. There is so much more that central government could and should do to address what is happening – that is where the power to effect real change lies”.
Paul Matson, CEO and founder of Hull 4 Heroes, said: “In hard times the people of Hull have always pulled together and supported anyone who may be less fortunate than themselves. I believe they will do so again now.
“Our local food providers are unfortunately needed now more than ever and are struggling to source the essential items they need. If the Hull community can help in any way, no matter how small, they could make a huge difference to someone else’s life”.
Donation points include:
North Bransholme Community Centre
The Paul Ingle Boxing Academy
Lothian Way
Opening hours: 10am to noon, Monday to Friday.
East Lodge
Pearson Park
Beverley Road
Opening hours: 10am to 3pm, Tuesday
Hull KR
Craven Park
Poorhouse Lane
Opening hours: 10am to 2pm, Monday to Friday
St Stephens Management Suite
Ground floor level (near Tesco car park)
110 Ferensway
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday, 9am to 7pm
Sunday, 10.30am to 4.30pm
Freedom Centre
97 Preston Road
Opening hours: Monday and Thursday, 8.30am to 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 8.30am to 6pm
Hull 4 Heroes Drop in Centre
3rd Floor, Princes Quay
Opening hours: 10am to 2pm, Monday to Friday
Hull Guildhall,
Main reception desk
77 Lowgate
Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday