Caught on camera: Fly tippers snared by CCTV

Nine fly tippers have been prosecuted after being caught in the act on CCTV.

The offenders have all now received fines at Hull Magistrates Court following a delay in dealing with cases due to the impact of Covid-19.

The city council say it should act as a warning to others illegally dumping their waste.

Doug Sharp, Head of Waste Management, said: “These successful prosecutions show that we do not take fly tipping lightly, and we will prosecute those who carry out these offences.

“We would encourage residents to always check with the Environment Agency who is disposing of their waste, as failure to do so could result in it becoming fly tipped elsewhere in Hull, and you will be held liable to a penalty or prosecution and the costs of cleaning up the wastes.

“Not only is fly tipping removal costly but it also uses resources which could be supporting other essential services through these unprecedented times.”

The cases were as follows:

  • Lewis Appleby was ordered to pay £484 for dumping landscape gardening materials in Alfred Street. Footage below.

  • Danut Volovaci, of Suffolk Terrace, Hull, was ordered to pay £826 for fly tipping a sofa on Suffolk Street. Footage below.

Sofia Musi, of Blaydes Street, Hull, was ordered to pay £1,451 for dumping household waste in Haworth Street on two separate occasions. Footage below.

  • Michal Stanek, of Spring Bank, Hull, was ordered to pay £684 for dumping bags of household waste in a public grassed area near West Parade, Spring Bank. Footage below.

Michael Hewson, of Quillcourt, Hull, was ordered to pay just over £1,000 for fly tipping in his local area. Footage below.

  • Claire Robinson, of August Road, Liverpool, was ordered to pay £572 after dumping waste in Castlehill Road.

  • Carly Seymour, of Redbourne Street, Hull, was ordered to pay £826 for dumping waste in Sefton Street.

  • Andrew Bowes, of Wellsted Street, Hull, was ordered to pay £688 for fly tipping household waste in Wellsted Street.

  • Jonas Smith, of Bankside Park, Bankside, Hull, was ordered to pay £474 for unloading household waste from a vehicle in Bedford Street. The investigation also found that Smith had failed to register with the council as a scrap metal dealer, which is a legal requirement to do so under the requirements of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.

Residents can report fly tipping by calling 01482 300300 or visiting the Hull City Council website.


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