Far-right mob attacks police and hotel in city centre
CONFRONTATION: The Royal Hotel after a smoke bomb was thrown
By Simon Bristow, Co-Editor
Far-right demonstrators attacked police and property today in unprecedented scenes of violence in Hull city centre.
After fighting with a cordon of police in Queen Victoria Square, where the rally started, there were further brief battles in King Edward Street before a lengthy stand-off outside the Royal Hotel in Ferensway, which had windows smashed after being pelted with missiles.
The crowd believed it was being used to house asylum seekers.
The Hull gathering was one of a number of far-right rallies planned across the UK today following an horrific knife attack that claimed the lives of three girls in Southport on Monday, which was followed by false claims on social media about the background and religion of the 17-year-old suspect.
CLASH: People fighting with police in King Edward Street
The disturbances caused the closure of Ferensway, the main road leading through the city centre, as well as the nearby train and bus station at Paragon Interchange, and Ferens Art Gallery, and the cancellation of a cultural event.
At the time of writing there were reports the agitators had moved to St Stephens Shopping Centre, and were causing damage there. It was later closed with staff stuck in their shops.
There were also reports of bins being set on fire in George Street and trouble flaring at the the city centre end of Spring Bank.
The crowds – which appeared to include people from the North-East and the South-East given their accents – had assembled in response to appeals on social media under the banner “Enough Is Enough”, while others had styled themselves as “Patriotic Protestors”.
STAND-OFF: The scene in Ferensway
One apparent organiser had posted: “Can everyone who is coming please try and get to Queen Victoria Square no later than 12pm please, and try to be as sober as you can be. There will be time for drinking afterwards if that’s what you want to do.”
Beer cans and bottles and eggs were among the missiles thrown at the officers, only some of whom were in riot gear, and at the hotel. There was a loud roar when the first window was smashed on an upper floor.
One of the thugs also got a cheer after stealing a police riot shield outside the hotel, which was then held up and passed around like a trophy. Others emptied large plastic blue bins at the side of the hotel in the search for weapons, with the bins then being used to ram the line of police guarding the hotel.
The crowds, which ranged in age from the middle-aged to young teenagers, included men and women.
THIN BLUE LINE: Police guarding the Royal Hotel
In one of the most chilling moments, a woman dressed in black shouted: “Lads! Lads! There’s one of them here!” as a man arrived at the side of the hotel asking how to get in. No one came.
Among the cars stuck in traffic on Ferensway was one driven by a woman with very young children in the back who were visibly upset and frightened.
Council refuse lorries were later used to block the road.
The crowds variously chanted “England”, “We want our country back”, “Stop the boats”, and “Get them out”, while there was a solitary chant of “We are Hull”. One man held up a poster of the Prime Minister accompanied by the words “Keir Starmer – Traitor”.
GATHERING: Crowds assemble near Queen Victoria Square
Several were draped in England flags and Union flags, while others wore masks.
It was a fast-moving and chaotic situation as groups of police dashed off from the line outside the hotel in response to other incidents.
The violence in King Edward Street was only quelled by the rapid deployment of police dogs.
Police later said four arrests had been made for public order offences.