Dean on screen: Poet gets his own film club

COLOURFUL: The Dean Wilson Film Club

COLOURFUL: The Dean Wilson Film Club

Fans of one of Hull’s top poets have a new way of enjoying his work with the launch of his own film club.

Arts organisation Back to Ours is launching the Dean Wilson Film Club, featuring a series of short movies to be screened on social media over the next six months.

The films have been made by Dave Lee - who also shot East Coast Fever, an earlier movie about Dean screened online by Back to Ours.

They come in a series of six monthly sets of three, and will by screened on the last Thursday of each month at 9pm, starting on Thursday, September 24. Each recording will premiere on the Back to Ours Facebook and Twitter accounts, with Dean performing in his own inimitable style.

Back to Ours producer Nesta Sheehan said: “Dean’s a complete treasure, and he’s one of those rare poets who has you falling off your chair with laughter one minute and then crying the next. He’s performed at our over-60 Shindigs and gone down a storm, so we’re loving having six months of him to take us into next year.

“And with titles like, Never Stand On A Deckchair and Dear Easington Hunk, what’s not to love?”

Viewers can also get their hands on a free, limited-edition Dean Wilson Film Club pack, which includes a badge, an information card about the project, and a bingo card. The latter allows people to watch the films and cross them off, with the first six to get a line winning a prize of Dean’s choosing.

‘A TREASURE’: Dean Wilson. Picture by Phill Hutchinson

‘A TREASURE’: Dean Wilson. Picture by Phill Hutchinson

Only 100 packs have been made and are being offered on a first come, first served basis. They are available from Wrecking Ball Music and Books in Princes Quay and J.E. Books in Hepworth’s Arcade. To ask for one to be posted email

Dean’s star has been steadily rising in recent years, with the success of his collections Sometimes I’m So Happy I’m Not Safe On The Streets, Take Me Up The Lighthouse, and With.

The self-proclaimed “fourth best poet in Hull”, and “second best in Withernsea”, also has a loyal following on Twitter, where he posts pictures of “Pebble of the Day”, featuring the weird and wonderful things he finds when wandering Withernsea beach.

Dean said: “It’s lovely to work with Back to Ours. I’ve done some performances for them and they showed East Coast Fever, which was brilliant. I hope people tune in to see some new recordings, maybe a new poem here and there, and have a game of bingo.”


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