Dave Marshall appointed new Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police

PROMOTED: New Humberside Police Deputy Chief Constable Dave Marshall. Picture by Tom Arran Commercial Photography

By Rick Lyon

Dave Marshall has today been named the new Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police.

Mr Marshall, who had been Assistant Chief Constable with the force, has been appointed following a two-day selection process.

The news was announced by Chief Constable Paul Anderson, who himself recently succeeded Lee Freeman as head of the force.

A selection panel chaired by Mr Anderson unanimously ruled in favour of Mr Marshall. The selection process involved a meeting with a panel made up of members of force staff associations, followed by a presentation and interview process, as well as a media exercise.

Mr Marshall takes up his role with immediate effect.

Mr Anderson said: “I am absolutely delighted to announce Dave Marshall as our newly appointed Deputy Chief Constable.

“Dave has been with the force since January 2022, and has now renewed his commitment to the communities here in Humberside.

“I very much look forward to continuing to work with him.”


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