‘We’ve loved every minute’: Couple retire after incredible 104 years in NHS
OUTSTANDING SERVICE: Tony and Karen Jessop
By Simon Bristow
Hull’s hospitals trust is paying tribute to two “outstanding healthcare professionals” who are retiring together after a combined 104 years service in the NHS.
Couple Tony and Karen Jessop, both 69, met at Hull Royal Infirmary in 1975, began dating in 2009, and married in 2018.
Professionally, they have both been described as “exceptional” in their respective fields.
Karen, 69, an A&E nurse at Hull Royal Infirmary, was inspired by her mum to follow her into nursing, while Tony, a Cardiothoracic Surgical Care Practitioner at Castle Hill Hospital, initially dreamed of being a footballer.
Karen said: “My mum was a nurse and that’s all I wanted to be.”
‘IT’S BEEN AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY’: Karen Jessop, left, in her early days as a nurse
At 16, she set out to be just that by first taking her pre-nursing course at the Hull College of Nursing from September 1971 to December 1972. In 1973, she started her career as a student nurse in theatres at Hull Royal Infirmary. Following her qualification in January 1976, she took up a staff nurse post at the A&E department.
In March 1981, Karen took up a Sister’s post – becoming the youngest person to hold that position at the time. It was an accomplishment she takes great pride in. “Getting a Sister’s post five years from qualification was unheard of, but I did it,” she said.
Apart from taking time off to care for her mum in 2009, she has not taken a break.
THANK YOU: Karen Jessop, sixth from left, marking her retirement with colleagues
Throughout her extensive career, Karen has witnessed the evolving landscape of emergency care and the NHS. From the early days of handwritten medical records to technological advancements that revolutionised patient care, she has been at the forefront of it all. Even paramedics were not a thing when she started her career.
“We didn’t have paramedics in my early days, there were just qualified ambulance crews,” she said. “And when I first started there was just one consultant for the department – when you look now at how many consultants and staff we have, it’s amazing. A lot of the changes have been for the better.”
Throughout her career, Karen made it a point to provide exceptional care and comfort to all patients who either came in on a stretcher or walked into the A&E in need of medical attention. Her adaptability coupled with her wealth of experience allowed her to provide seamless care and contribute to the ever-changing nursing field.
‘YOU’LL BE MISSED’: Karen Jessop, third from left, with colleagues
“It's been an incredible journey,” she said. “Every day brought a new challenge, but it was also an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life. That's what kept me going. I love every minute of A&E work. You've not got a routine; you never know what’s going to come through the door. It’s not always been easy, but the ability to provide comfort, care and hope in moments of crisis is something I will forever cherish.”
Karen’s colleagues affectionately remember her as a mentor and guide, always ready to lend an empathetic ear or offer invaluable advice. Her ability to comfort patients while supporting team members endeared her to all who encountered her.
Junior Sister Kayleigh Richards said: “She is a pleasure to work alongside and an asset to the ED team. She will be greatly missed, but I wish her well in her retirement.”
‘A PLEASURE TO WORK WITH’: Karen Jessop, second from left, with colleagues
Senior Staff Nurse Linda Cheeseman said: “It’s been a pleasure to have worked with Karen who has been a huge support to both patients and staff for the past 50 years. We are going to miss her but hope she enjoys her retirement.”
Tony began working in the Sterile Services Department at Hull Royal in July 1971. His interest in theatres overtook his desire to be a footballer, and he applied for a trainee Operating Theatre Technician post, which he started in April 1973.
He successfully qualified in 1975 and, being good at his job, landed a senior post in 1978 at Boston Pilgrim Hospital. He returned to HRI in 1979, moving to Castle Hill a year later. It was there he developed a passion for cardiothoracic surgery, enjoying working in the operating theatres and seeing patients on the wards and ICU.
In October 1998, the opportunity arose for him to become one of the first Surgical Care Practitioners in the country. Tony jumped at the chance, saying: “I've always had this fascination of stitching and used to stitch pillowcases. Mr Griffin, one of the consultant surgeons then, said there was the potential for a surgical assistant at Papworth Hospital. I had done an agency ODA job at Papworth for a week, so I rang them, went down, followed them around for three days and it was fantastic.”
Tony was seconded to Papworth Hospital to undertake the Surgical Care Practitioner training, which he successfully completed in 2000. He then took up a post back at Castle Hill as the first Surgical Care Practitioner.
He began working alongside the surgical team, harvesting saphenous veins for coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, providing skilled assistance to the surgeons and closing surgical sternotomy and thoracotomy incisions.
In 2005, working alongside a colleague, Tony introduced the newly developed Laser Bronchoscope, an achievement he is proud of.
In 2008, he became the President of the Association of Cardio Thoracic Surgical Assistants, where he used his national platform to identify and share best practice. He held that position for two years.
‘FATHER OF THE DEPARTMENT’: Tony Jessop, centre, dark jumper, with colleagues
Throughout his career Tony has endeavoured to share his knowledge, through the training of new staff at HUTH and other healthcare facilities in the region.
Looking back on his career, Tony said: “I have dreams of my job. It was an absolutely fantastic job. I enjoyed doing what I did, I enjoyed every minute of it. And I loved my team. I’ve never gone to work and said to myself ‘God, I wish it was five o’clock’, never ever. People used to say to me ‘Morning, Tony, how are things?’, and I'll invariably say it is terrific.”
Maxine Read, Surgical Care Practitioner at Castle Hill, said: “Tony is the father of our department. He was the first SCP in Hull, so he pioneered the role and helped shape its development. He was a supportive colleague to us all and well-loved by our patients, who enjoyed his regular visits to them on the ward where he would tell them they were on the team for Saturday’s match. We will miss him.”
Jill Bell, Chief Clinical Perfusionist, who also managed Tony briefly, said: “I joined the trust as a trainee perfusionist. At this point, Tony was the Lead Operating Department Practitioner (ODP) for cardiothoracic and he was so helpful with teaching and supporting myself and others in their new clinical roles. Having worked for so long in the NHS and predominantly in cardiothoracic, he was a fountain of knowledge.
TOUCHING SEND-OFF: Karen and Tony Jessop at their farewell reception
“He supported not only ODPs and SCPs in the profession, but perfusionists, nurses, junior surgeons and anesthetists. He not only shared his experience and knowledge, but he was also a good team player, helping all the team achieve the best results possible for the patient.
“Tony led the way for SCPs not only in our hospital but nationally, being one of the first in the country. He was a hard-working gentleman with a heart of gold. He’s missed by all the team, and we wish him a long and happy retirement with his wife Karen.”
The Jessops’ retirement plans include travelling across the country in their caravan.
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