Police release CCTV of gang’s ‘serious assault’ on man in his 60s

Police have released CCTV footage of a serious assault in which a man in his 60s was attacked by a gang of youths.

The victim was walking along Walton Street in west Hull at about 7pm on Friday, January 29, when he began being followed by a group of youths.

The youths then threw a road sign at him, the man turned around to challenge them and was set upon.

As the footage shows, the victim was pulled to the floor and kicked and punched several times before being hit over the head by a work-top sample he had been carrying, police said.

Thankfully, a member of the public intervened and came to his aid, resulting in the youths running back in the direction of Anlaby Road and Walton Street skate park.

The victim suffered a large cut to his head and was “extremely shaken” by the incident.

Officers would like to hear from anyone who can help identify those involved, or who saw or knows anything about the incident. This may include people driving past at the time who have dash-cam footage.

Anyone with information can call the non-emergency number 101 quoting reference 16/17957/21.


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