Volunteers wanted to help restore Hull’s National Picture Theatre
‘IMPORTANT’: The National Picture Theatre in its heyday
Volunteers are being recruited to help restore the National Picture Theatre.
Currently in the second round development stage of a National Lottery Heritage Fund application, long-term plans for the site on Beverley Road include repair and conservation works, as well as the restoration of the façade of the building alongside its heritage features.
Hull City Council and the National Civilian World War II Memorial Trust are now appealing for volunteers to play a pivotal role in securing the funding and restoring the site.
Volunteering duties will include a range of tasks, such as marketing, events planning, historical research, physical conservation work and community gardening, as well as project evaluation and staffing of the site once restored and open to the public.
Councillor Daren Hale, Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment, Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property said: “The National Picture Theatre is incredibly important to Hull, so it is imperative this work goes ahead to protect the remains.
“Crucial to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the site and the trust is the recruitment of additional members and the development of a strong and active volunteer base.
“Our ward councillors in the area are also very keen to see volunteers from the community local to Beverley Road and will be reaching out to nearby residents for their support.
“The roles are varied and offer the chance for volunteers to learn a whole host of new skills, alongside the conservation of this significant site.”
The recruitment of volunteers will be open throughout the project and anyone interested is encouraged to complete the online questionnaire, available here until Sunday, October 18.